Friday, November 30, 2007

keep on fighting

part one is done
part two in two weeks
-keep it up girl!-
it's 23 hours quiet hour
life is exam
ahhh the wonder of student life

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

how i wish...

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green grass and blue sky
warm breeze
scent of summery earth
i feel safe n content
just to be breathing n alive
stress free

Monday, November 26, 2007

it's the small thing

sumbody really make my day today by the simplest comment
"she's strong.good"
i heart you,TONY
may i get you on my osce exam
you are so my fav simulated patient
*big grin*

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

worker bee

it's been a busy week
tis is why i hate long weekend
the rest of the week will be soooo packed
daily 830-530 classes
to top dat
i had ortho core
(go watch surgery...yeayyyyy)
back to back PE n rheum core today after class
bz bz bee
amazingly, i woke up at 7 sharp everyday
without alarm
-dalilah ke ni?-
but today i slept in, decided to skip class
n just go for my core sessions
n guess what?
da lecturer randomly pick me to answer question
during the lect in dat big, massive hall
full of my classmet
sah2 la minah oiii<--drama queen tul~
of course la i x bgn jawab
i wasn't even there
kantoiii big time~
hak hak hak

Thursday, November 15, 2007

high on nothing

i poke sumbody today
like really poke sumone
like real person with real needle n really injecting sumthing inside the body
it feels freaking fabolous great
i'm high

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

callie o'malley in da house!

man i love surgery
(i watch wayyy too much grey's)
but ortho surgery surely not my cup of tea
why not, u ask?
apart from being physically challenged for da job
imagine skru-ing n hammering n gerudi-ing ppl
-all dat nerve biting n teeth grinding noises-
totally not me
nevertheless i went to watched 1 n a half of ortho surgery today
pretty interesting
n extremely exciting
read:first scrub, first time in OR yada yada u get the pic
the 1st patient have partial rotator cuff tear
so the surgeon just tear it completely and stitch it up
-sliding stitch is so coooool!-
the 2nd patient have a dislocation of shoulder
didn't get to watch the whole repair
but wat the doc try to do was basically try to get the humerus (dats ur arm bone) into the glenoid fossa (dats the cup where ur arm bone suppose to sits) and try to anchor it there so no more dislocation in da future
pretty neat i must say
i wish i can watch a hip replacement or ligament repair
dat would be bloody and messy and just down right awesome!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

it's not about the sex

Meredith: And it's not about the sex. It's not... about the sex. It's about that moment afterward... when the world stops. It just feels so safe, so safe. I'm not ready to give that up. I'm not ready to give that up.

then, don't.give that up, YET

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Bonne Fete Naqib!

woi pegi daftar pengundi woi
dh cukup umur dahhhhhhh
dear dear brother of mine

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

sweet dreams~

GK Chesterton said
" Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already knows that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. "